小野 遥 Haruka Ono

Ph.D student, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Research Assistant, Biodiversity Conservation Planning Section,
  Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan

A member of Biodiversity conservation * Human behaviour change Team

moonoharuka (at) gmail.com

I’m interested in biodiversity conservation finance in private capital, such as the business sector!
The origin of my research lies in my realization, gained through the perspective of evolutionary ecology, of the tremendous diversity among living organisms that have evolved over vast periods, and the irreplaceability of each.
I'm conducting research with the aim of promoting societal investment in bearing the inherent costs of conserving biodiversity, which brings benefits to both society itself and the citizens who constitute it.

Love for... diversity, climbing, diving, design (graphic / user interface / marketing) and coffee

I’m an ally.


・ご依頼はTSUKIHI design名義でお請けします(適格請求書発行事業者登録済)。


Peer-reviewed articles

  1. Kanasugi N, Sawada A, Nakamura H, Kumagai S, Ono H, Esashi M, Nagai S, Murakami R, Shiraiwa S, Takagi M (2024) Do weather conditions during brood rearing period affect the survival of owl chicks in a subtropical island?. Ornithological Science, 23 (2), 65-76
  2. 寺田一貴、小野遥、大林花織、平早紀、佐藤弘人、朴炫貞 (2024) 五感を活用したオンラインサイエンスイベントにおける双方向コミュニケーションの実践 ~エネルギーを視聴覚で体感するコンテンツの有効性~. Japanese Journal of Science Communication, 34, 21-45
    [English title] Approaches and practices for mutual communication in online science events using the senses: the effectiveness of audio-visual contents for feeling energy
  3. Sawada A, Iwasaki T, Inoue C, Nakaoka K, Nakanishi T, Sawada J, Aso N, Nagai S, Ono H, Murakami R and Takagi M (2022) Estimation of condition dependent dispersal kernel with simple Bayesian regression analysis. Ornithological Science, 22, 25-34
  4. Murakami R, Sawada A, Ono H and Takagi M (2021) The effect of experience on parental role division in Ryukyu Scops Owl Otus elegans. Ornithological Science, 21, 35-44
  5. Sawada A, Iwasaki T, Inoue C, Nakaoka K, Nakanishi T, Sawada J, Aso N, Nagai S, Ono H and Takagi M (2021) Missing piece of top predator‐based conservation: Demographic analysis of an owl population on a remote subtropical island. Population Ecology, 63, 204-218


Education / Career history


Outreach activities

